Wednesday, 30 December 2009



Well let's start the day with a bit of gratitude.  Always effective in chasing away the blues.  Even when it's raining outside, which it is, or the Christmas splurge is catching up, which it is, or the dreaded credit card bills are due, which they are, etc etc we can counteract all this with a bit of gratitude.

I've been trying it out myself for a while and it certainly beats beating yourself up.  It's particularly good first thing in the morning if, like me, you tend to be a bit down on waking.

How about this for a happy verse?


To wake up saying thank you's the best way to start the day,
For when it comes to prayer there are no better words to pray,
A shortcut to contentment, guaranteed to resonate,
A counting of our blessings and we wake up feeling great.
Perhaps we're waking free from pain, how lucky then we are,
Or looking through the window see snow glisten from afar,
Or feel a breeze upon our skin or hear a skylark sing,
Already we are feeling blessed at what a dawn can bring.
And that's just the beginning for our mind set has been geared
To perceive the good around us not the little things we feared,
And the day keeps getting better, it seems too good to be true,
And it all began this morning with that very first thank you.

Hope you liked this.  If you did don't forget there's plenty more at "A String of Pearls"

Also like to recommend a book that I just added to my Profile.  Yesterday, in the excitement of getting started with this blogging, I forgot my very favourite book is called "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.
That's all about the spiritual journey too using creativity as a vehicle.  Excellent in every way. 

Actually, going to have a go at adding another picture, one where I'm suitably grateful.  What is it they say? Practice makes perfect and I seem to be getting the hang of this.  Are there any other blogging novices out there?

Have a good day.

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Progress not perfectionism


Well back again just to make sure I can still do what I've just done.  Doing anything for the first time is daunting and a bit of reinforcement won't come amiss. 

Actually I just thought that I had lost the lot but somehow managed to retrieve it.  Is anyone else out there having these problems or is it just me?  Blogging is supposed to be about being easy but nothing is easy if you're new to it.  And I have to remind myself often that it is Progress not Perfection that counts.  Perfectionism is the scourge of happiness and I should know.  How many more of you out there have spoiled any number of moments of potential happiness through insidious Perfectionism that creeps in unwanted all over the place.  Someone once told me that unremitting high standards are not something to be proud of but something to dump at the earliest possible opportunity.  What do you think?

I feel a Happy Verse coming on.


If things seem insurmountable, a mountain still to climb,
Remember that we only can take one step at a time,
And the journey, though still daunting, undertaken in this way
May unlikely prove successful as we move through every day.
For it's only when we view something in its entirety
And surrender overwhelmed exclaiming, "That's too much for me,"
That we fail to see that pieces can be broken down to size,
And we could be making progress as we go to our surprise.
So next time that we see a mountain looming into view
Let's not shake our head in horror, say we don't know what to do,
When the mountain can be mounted step by step, until at last
We can look down from the summit at the pieces that we passed.

'Mountaineering' is the entry for July 13 "A String of Pearls".  The Book has an alphabetical index of over a hundred themes covering the gamut of human emotion, and Progress, not Perfection, accounts for 20  references alone.  Clear what I have problems with!  Anyone else have the same problem?

See you soon.


Not really mountains I know but still pretty to look at.

Be Happy


Well here goes.  First posting, so in at the deep end and see what happens.

Am currently reading "Be Happy" by Robert Holden and thoroughly enjoying it.  Lots of information and practical advice about how to "Be Happy" and according to the blurb the book gives you a front-row seat to his eight-week happiness course.  I haven't learned how to do the links yet or I would do one to his website which is certainly worth a look.  Perhaps tomorrow!  Why wait?  I've just seen the link button so I'll have a go.  Has anyone else read the book or been on the course?  There's an online course just available which looks interesting too.  Has anyone else tried it?

Anyway the main purpose of my blog is a Happy Verse Day, so this one was inspired by what Robert had to say about finding Happiness.


To start the day with gratitude means that we can't go wrong,
A tally of our blessings keeps us counting , keeps us strong,
For it forces us to focus on the good that we receive
And eclipses little misfits we would otherwise perceive.
And so we see beyond the clouds to shafts of sunlight which
Fill with warmth our empty coffers until suddenly we're rich,
And we have no need of coin to purchase pleasure bit by bit
There is happiness on tap if we know where to look for it.
And it starts with an acceptance of the who we really are
Not the ego we've constructed but the shining little star
Who knows everything of happiness and has done since their birth
Then proceeded to forget it every day upon the earth.
But now we can remember for it never went away
It was only our awareness getting dimmer day by day
'Til the moment we were silent long enough to hear a sigh
As our happiness reminded us it always was close by
Wanting only our attention, so that it could reappear
Saying, "You don't need to search for me, for I'm already here."

I hope you enjoyed this.  If you did you might like to look at my book "A String of Pearls", A Yearbook of Daily Inspiration to Soothe the Soul and Rekindle the Spirit".  Let's see if I can do that link.

Anyway just to finish off I'm going to try another Blogger feature and include a picture of me when I was feeling happy.  Just to remind myself of the feeling.  Look forward to hearing from you.
