Saturday, 2 January 2010

Ego Battles


Happy New Year.  Afraid I didn't make it yesterday after all.  A very good New Year's Eve followed by a bit of a lost day yesterday.  Didn't get up until the evening but did spend a bit of time reading Be Happy by Robert Holden so wasn't a completely lost day.

Anyway, also did a bit of battle with my Ego, which tries very hard to distract me and persuade me that I really do need to be DOING SOMETHING WORTHWHILE to become happy.  As I have spent most of my life obeying its commands which haven't necessarily made me that much happier, I'm willing to give the ideas in Be Happy a chance.

What about this as a happy verse to counteract the attacks of ego?


If ego starts to muscle in and keep us from our joy
Let's remember we don't need to listen to this bully boy,
We can quiet its strident callings, we can drive it from our mind
And it's worth it if we catch a glimpse of happiness behind.
What a tyrant we've created, so self centred and so proud
As it meanly allocates the happiness we are allowed,
Not too much or we are heading without question for a fall
Or maybe we're deemed unfit for any happiness at all.
It's a deal we have been striking day by day throughout our lives
As our ego calls the shots and spirit struggles and survives
Only by its sweet tenacity which will not leave us long,
As its whispers keep reminding us of where we most belong.
And it's not where ego leads us, place of struggle, place of pain,
It is not a valley shadowed filled with stress and full of strain,
It's a peaceful place of Being where we gratefully can say,
"I am perfectly myself and that's sufficient for the day."

Hope you enjoyed this.  If you did don't forget "A String of Pearls" where there is an inspirational verse to soothe the soul and rekindle the spirit for every day of the year.

See you soon.

Thought you might like this picture.  Just learning how to import them.  Will it work?  Who knows?

Well that seemed to work ok.


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